Family People
My 16 years at Royal Son Bou Family Club

This is my 16º season in the Royal Son Bou Family Club. It only has been a little more than a month ago that we have been celebrating our 25th Anniversary of the opening of our Hotel, and talking of celebrations, It has reminded me of when I first started in the Royal Son Bou!
My first season was in 1997, just 18 years old and still without a driving license and going to work the first month on a 49cc motor all the way from Ferreries. Wow, how much have I and our hotel changed since then. At that time the Reception was on the other side of the hall, the restaurant La Basilica still did not exist etc… The staff started with allot of illusion and guided by Rosa Arévalo, who was like my mother” in the Royal. And off course I didn´t start off as the Director, but as a Receptionists helper. That year, we had Borja Moll as our boss and Rosa, Melanie, Erika, Tóbal and Joan as my colleges in the Reception. And as Directors we still had Amador Rodríguez y Miguel Florit… I have added a picture, which I think was taken in 1998 or 1999, with Toni, Melanie, Marga, Sús y Samuel. What a fantastic team we created in the Reception!!
Like I said before, the hotel has changed so much! For example, this picture was taken in the hall, where now we have the lift is where use to be the water fountain which now is in the big pool!! but… the more than anything the persons have changed allot also… there you see me, very young, without glasses and a little bit “lighter” in weight than I am now…haha
In 2004 and 2005 I started another project with allot of illusion, but I returned to my beloved “home” in 2006. Now it´s been 4 years that I am guiding an fantastic team, the best! A team of currently 164 workers in our Royal Son Bou Family Club.
Many thanks to everyone for all these fantastic years!!
Un abrazo,
Tumeu Janer