Royal Family Care
These are the 6 applications for the 2019 Family Grant

As you know, from the Royal Son Bou Family Club we have proposed to promote projects that attend, investigate and develop child protection initiatives by creating the Family Grant endowed with € 3,000.
During the nomination period, 6 projects have been presented, an amount that greatly satisfies us and confirms the need to promote initiatives such as this one to support entities and associations that work for children. Would you like to know the projects? Here there is a brief explanation about them:
Project TAC of CEIP Antoni Juan Alemany
The public school of Infant and Primary Education Antoni Juan Alemany is located in Mahón. The center welcomes about 150 students and approximately 50% of them come from foreign families with a medium-low socio-cultural and economic level, so many of the students do not have access to personal devices. This situation means that students cannot access digital learning on equal terms.
The center has created a program for the use of technologies in learning and knowledge with the objective of initiating students in the use of information technologies as an educational tool, as well as creating participatory and teamwork attitudes, improving language skills of students and support their autonomy and initiative. With this program, CEIP Antoni Juan Alemany also aims to minimize the differences between students by origin or economic condition.
CEIP Antoni Juan Alemany applies for the 2019 Family Grant to be able to provide Chromebooks for students, as well as the licenses of digital books.
Project Sonrisa Médica
Sonrisa Médica, a non-profit association that seeks to transform the healthcare environment of hospitalized children in the Balearic Islands through humor, magic, music and joy.
This association is composed by the Hospital Clowns, whose objective is to make the children find in the hospital a more welcoming place and full of the magic and joy necessary to feed their emotional state, for a faster and more successful recovery. Hospital Clowns work closely with healthcare personnel, emotionally supporting to pediatric patients and their families and helping them release the tensions inherent in the hospital environment.
The animation of the Hospital Clowns is carried out through musical performances, magic and juggling in a group or individual way, depending on each unit in which they participate (room, surgery, outpatient consultations, pediatric ICUs, chronic ICUs, day hospital…).
With the 2019 Family Grant application, Sonrisa Médica seeks a new way of financing to cover the provision of its service, as well as other indirect costs derived from maintaining the association, such as administrative management, notarial expenses, consultancy, auditing, team formation, organizing events and fundraising campaigns, etc.
ASPANOB welfare flats Project
ASPANOB (Association of Parents of Children with Cancer of the Balearic Islands), is an association that works to improve the quality of life of all children suffering cancer and their families from Balearic Island. The general objective of ASPANOB is to improve the quality of life of children and young people with cancer and their families.
This association carries out a program that responds to the needs of children and their families that are generated in relation to the oncological disease process, such as providing shelters in Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona for families displaced due to the illness, accompaniment and emotional support for children and their families during the whole process of the disease and later in the readjustment to daily life or support in the grieving process, leisure and entertainment for children and their families, between other services.
One of the biggest problems facing families of children with cancer in Menorca is insularity. The ASPANOB welfare flats service provides flats in Palma de Mallorca and Barcelona intends to recover for this problem. Certain treatments cannot be performed at the University Hospital of Son Espases (in Mallorca), the reference hospital of the Balearic Islands, because the patient must be transferred to a national reference hospital which, in the case of the Balearic Islands, are hospitals from Barcelona.
ASPANOB presents its 2019 Family Grant application to pay for the maintenance of a property in Barcelona, which is offered free of charge for families who have to travel to receive treatment.
ASAMDIB welfare flats Project
ASAMDIB (Association of Assistance for the Displaced Disease of the Balearic Islands) is an association that has the purpose of receiving, attending and providing all kinds of resources to patients living in the Balearic Islands, who have to travel outside their habitual residence to receive the right treatment for your disease. ASAMDIB was created to meet the high demand for patients affected by different diseases that ASPANOB received, an association created to care for children with cancer.
Due to the lack of available resources in the Menorca hospitals in relation to pediatric pathologies, in default of pediatric specialists and neonatology, families with a sick child must travel to Mallorca to receive treatment or undergo surgical intervention.
Therefore, ASAMDIB manages the program of Comprehensive Care and Psychosocial Support, which offers a shelter in Palma for patients and their families who have to travel to receive treatment in Mallorca, as well as psychological support for children and their families and specific financial assistance to compensate for the extraordinary expenses of the disease.
ASAMDIB submits its 2019 Family Grant application to pay the rent of the shelter, which is offered free of charge to displaced families.
Project Horses Assisted Therapies
The association of family members of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder of Menorca (TEA Menorca) is a non-profit organization that comprises and accompanies people and families affected with Autism Spectrum Disorder to improve their quality of life.
This association will launch the Assisted Therapy with Horses for children and young people, with the aim of creating a complementary intervention methodology in which the horse is used as a resource to improve people's social skills, autonomy and emotional responses. Being outdoors, in full nature and with the company of the horse, creates unique conditions to develop a session based on psychic relaxation, motivation and respect. The TEA Menorca association has the Ciutadella Equestrian Club and the support staff of the educational centers (UEECO classroom) to develop horse therapy sessions.
TEA Menorca applies for the 2019 Family Grant to carry out Assisted Therapies with Horses to children and young people who can benefit from the practice of horse riding at the therapeutic level.
Health’ School Project: osteogenesis imperfecta
The Ahuce Foundation is an entity that works for people with osteogenesis imperfecta and their families. One of its main objectives is to improve the quality of life, social integration, access to education and the labour market of all people with osteogenesis imperfecta.
This pathology is rarely known by health personnel, and even to a lesser extent by the staff of educational centers and society in general, so the Ahuce Foundation works to promote health research on osteogenesis imperfecta, as well as knowledge of the pathology by socio-health personnel. And since 2016, it has carried out a program of Health School for families of pediatric patients with OI and socio-health personnel. With this project, it is intended to eliminate the social and psychological barriers derived from the lack of information, as well as generate a space for exchanging knowledge, guidance and experiences and accompanying those affected and their families psychologically.
The Ahuce Foundation presents its candidacy for the 2019 Family Grant to finance the training workshops for family members of children with osteogenesis imperfecta and the social and healthcare staff who attend them.
Once the call is closed, we begin the deadline for pre-selection of projects and interviews with the shortlisted projects, to reach the resolution date of the winning project, which will be on November 5.