Family People
Valentina & Sophie

Hello to everybody! We are Valentina Mascarello (22 years old, Italian) and Ann Sophie Schulz (18 years old, German).
Our story at Royal Son Bou Family Club begins so many, many years ago, as we were kids, respectively, 17 years ago Valentina and 15 years ago Sophie. We would spend here our summer holidays and come to play to Club Kikoland very motivated by our animators and, obviously, felt in love with the three mascots Kiko, Cuqui e Hooky.
The fabulous experience as clients and the friendship with the whole staff improved our interest on being part of the animation team. And, thank to the provided opportunity, the third time for Valentina and the first time for Sophie, our dream can come true being part of the animation team 2013.
We are very happy with our job here and our dream turned into reality. So perfect as we thought! We are waiting for you at Club Kikoland!