Purpose of the convocation
The company Promoturist offers these programs to co-finance training programs for Royal Son Bou Family Club workers in order to improve and/or expand the work skills of our employees.
Characteristics of the aid
The company will provide an amount of €2,500 to applicants for all applications received. In the case of more than one application, this amount will be divided by the number of applications received, with the aid being a minimum of €150 as long as the training applied for reaches this amount.
The company's Management will grant the aid following the order in which the applications are received and after evaluating whether they comply with the bases of this convocation.
- Any worker with a current contract, whether permanent or discontinuous, with more than two months of contract seniority at the time of the application, may apply for aid.
- The aid requested will be allocated to training courses that take place during the year 2025 and the first semester of the year 2026. They may also be granted to courses that have a longer duration as long as their start is at most the first quarter of 2026.
Obligations of employees
- Requests for training courses must be related to your job or the hospitality sector.
- If the scholarship is granted, a contract must be signed with Promoturist in which the rights, duties and obligations of both parties will be established.
Presentation of applications and documentation for the application.
- To submit the applications, you must fill in the attached form and deliver it to the Human Resources office (responsible Mónica Huguet). Access between gym and medical office on the ground floor of the Hall.
- During the deadlines described below, a registration certificate or a document justifying registration in the requested course must be delivered.
- The lack of any of the required documents within the established period will be understood as withdrawal of the application.
- The worker must provide an email where they will be notified of all resolutions.
Resolution of the aid
- The resolution of the aid will be on October 30, 2025.
- Aid will be counted and valued by date and time of presentation.
- The company’s management will evaluate the aid taking into account the date of its presentation.
- Aid that does not correspond to the bases of this convocation will not be valued by the granting company.
- The granting company will communicate to the applicants how many notifications are necessary through the applicant's email. If after three days from the notification the applicant has not opened the communication, it will be considered notified.
Justification of the aid
- Justification of the training costs will be mandatory (registration costs, materials to be purchased to carry out the training, travel costs if outside the island, etc.).
- The assignment of a scholarship is not final. There are certain cases in which you may be asked for a full refund of the amount you have received. These cases are the following:
- Do not justify that you have completed 100% of the training.
- If the organizers cancel or suspend the training.
- If the training is abandoned or the certificate of having successfully completed the training is not presented.
- If the scholarship is used for purposes other than those for which it was granted.
- Concealment or discovery that data related to training has been falsified.
- If during the training or during the following 6 months the worker voluntarily leaves the company.
In the event that the bases of this convocation are not met, the granting company will inform the beneficiary that he must repay the aid within a period of no more than 30 days following its notification.
In the event that the aid granted is not repaid within the aforementioned period, a disciplinary file will be opened against the worker and interest of 5% per month will be applied on the amount to be repaid until the aid is fully repaid.
- The deadline for submitting applications will be between September 30 and October 11, 2025.
- The deadline for delivery of proof of enrolment or registration for the requested courses will end on October 18.
- The deadline for resolution of applications will be October 30, 2025.
The granting company will communicate to the applicants how many notifications are necessary through the applicant's email. If after three days from the notification the applicant has not opened the communication, it will be considered notified.
Application Form
4 more commitments of the Royal Son Bou

Royal Family Care
At the Royal Son Bou Family Club we are firmly convinced that society must safeguard the rights of children. We believe that this should be a common project in all cultures. Because without children there is no future.

Photovoltaic power plant
In the Royal Son Bou we are very aware that tourism, although vital to the economy in our country and in Menorca has a significant impact on the environment, mainly due to the high consumption of natural resources and energy.

Environmental Management System
At the Royal Son Bou Family Club we care about the environment.

We collaborate with UNICEF on programmes of protection and defence of the rights of children in the world