Family Experiences
The incredible history of Nina Eberhradt

The incredible history of Nina Eberhradt
We would like to tell you all about the beautiful and fascinating history of Nina Eberhardt and her holidays spent in the Royal Son Bou Family Club. Nina is a young German girl, age 16 that has been visiting us for years in the summer time. In 2001 we had the honor to meet Nina and her parents. The following year, they visited us again. It wasn´t until 2006 that a fantastic adventure started to unfold, next up, we are going to tell you all about it.
Right, this adventure, in what does it really insist? By their third visit in Minorca they realized that the Royal Son Bou Family Club had become family Eberhardt holiday destiny, Nina decided to create an album that would be filled with all her RSB friends. Besides just the animators of Club Kikoland, she also met alot of kids whith whom she shared her experiences with whist on holiday. Like this with all the support she got from her parents, Nina has been able to continue her adventure.
This was Nina´s idea. She wrote her part of the story and would leave a blank page for others to write and to add a picture.
It´s proven that Nina decided to start this fantastic adventure, not just so she could come back to visit us the following year, but because she was conscious that during her holiday she was going to see all the animators and her friends again, with which who she had a strong relation. Nina didn´t want to forget this. She wanted the whole world to know about it! In other words, with the creation of these beautiful albums, Nina fought for remaining her memories of her childhood and experiences in the RSB.
But to understand everything better what other than hearing Nina´s own words.
"It's nice to see how, every year, the entertainers are eager to see my photo albums. The ones written and talk about and the ones everyone already knows. They are happy to see themselves and reed their stories again and and their proceses they made from previous years on.Thanks to the photo albums, I have an unforgettable memory of the people who have accompanied me all these summers. "
Even if it seems impossible, this strong bond that has been created during her Holidays is not just limited to the summer time but as well through out the whole year. Nina stays in contact with the animators, even the ones that don´t work there anymore and with all her friends she made during her stay here with us. Furthermore, a lot of the friends that she made, just like her parents and all the other families that repeat succeed to meet and come at the same time.
Even though most of the of the activities in Club Kikoland don´t appeal to her anymore because of her age, she still likes to pass by and see the animators working there and of course show her famous albums to them.
Talking about Nina, we can´t not talk about her parents. The unconditional support they had given has been a big part in creating this big adventure. Of course without them, coming on holiday to the Royal Son Bou Family Club would not have been possible.
The RSB has became to Nina from being a family hotel to spend their holidays to a place filled with feelings, smiles, happiness, relations, friendship etc. that has formed her life.
Similarly, Nina and her incredible story has changed all of us who are part of the RSB team. It has made us see beyond. It has made us appreciate even more what we do. It has made us realize the importance of our work towards others. It has made us love our work. It has made us better people. Therefore, THANK YOU SO MUCH, NINA!
Thanks for sharing your experience with us! Thanks for making us part of you! Thank you for making RSB a magical place!
You will always be part of the RBS team and especially Club Kikoland.
Muchas gracias, Nina.
Muchas gracias, Fam. Eberhardt