What coves are the best to discover in Menorca's natural park? Visit them alongside Kiko

Today I have gotten up early because I am going to visit a beach that is little known, although to me, one of the most beautiful beaches in the north of Menorca, Cala Tortuga. I will need to walk a section of the Camí de Cavalls to get there to take a swim in its turquoise waters. So, will you join me?
The natural park
Do you remember the visit we made to the lighthouse of Favàritx? It was nice to see the dark gray landscape of the rocks on the cliffs. Just before arriving, along the road, I can see a sign that indicates the road towards two virgin coves in the Albufera des Grau Natural Park.
From now on we should not forget that we are on protected ground. You can walk here, but with respecting the nature. We start to walk towards Son Camamil·la, a farm that must be crossed to reach Cala Presili and Cala Tortuga.
"Hedgehogs" on the way
The Camí de Cavalls, which surrounds the whole island, is a wide and easy path to walk here, but it's a good thing I am wearing a cap and have brought a couple of bottles of water with me, because there is almost no shade and it is getting hotter.
The road is bordered by small bushes called "hedgehogs" that grow in the abundance of Menorca. They are also called "hedgehogs" because they have small spikes, but because the road is wide, there is no danger to get entangled in them.
Cycling towards the lagoon
A family on their bikes passes me by. The child stops and greets me:
- "Hello, are you going to see the turtles and ducks?" He asks me.
- A little surprised I explain him that I am going to the beach, Cala Tortuga, to have a swim.
- "Me too, but first we will approach the lagoon of Morella to see some animals, would you like to join us?"
His parents tell him that they will get there faster than me as they are on their bicycles so we'll meet at the beach.
Starfish on the cliffs
I am walking down to Cala Presili, the first cove from which the Camí de Cavalls takes me. From up here the sea looks beautiful and, as it is early, there are almost no people around, so I will be able to swim for a while and see some fish and starfish in the rocks.
I thought that all the beaches in the northern of Menorca had golden, reddish and thicker sand than those of the south. Son Bou has such fine and clear sand, but Cala Presili even more. Its sand is soft and of a clear color that stands out among the small gray cliffs.
Taking care of the dunes to keep the beaches
A poster reminds us that we should not enter the dunes. It is a fragile landscape. I mean that, as they live and shelter many animals and plants, we should not ruin that in which they inhabit. Did you know that the dunes are vital for maintaining the sand on the beach?
From here, in the distance, you can see the Favàritx lighthouse that stands out from the sky. This place is very nice but if I want to get to Cala Tortuga I have to keep going. I picked up my backpack and the bag in which I have stored the banana I have eaten. You know you should not leave trash on the beach!
Turtles, frogs and colorful dragonflies
I return to the Camí de Cavalls and soon I can see the lagoon of Morella. It is fresh sweet water and remains flooded all year, although in very dry times, it is almost completely dried up. There are many turtles, green frogs and colorful dragonflies. I see some ducks but I forgot to bring binoculars, what a pity!
A wooden railing marks the way towards Cala Tortuga. From up here the sea shows different shades of blue. On one side, there is the lighthouse and on the other side the beach where there is only a group of people getting ready to swim. There I go!
Shipwrecks on the rocks
Now I am thinking of not moving from here as I am lying down on the sand after haven taken a swim with the fishes. I discovered that some of them live between the rocks that protrude above the sea water.
In this area the sea is not very deep and, as I have been told, some unfocused sailors had nearly wrecked their ships when approaching the cove because of not knowing the zone very well.
The family on the bicycles is preparing themselves to return home and I think it is also time for me to return to Club Kikoland. I still have to walk all the way back but the breeze will refresh me on the way.
Have you heard about these coves on the northern side of Menorca? They are located in a natural park, where the sea is transparent and there is a lagoon surrounded by vegetation. Would you like to visit them?